Zybilna Character in Tol - Shards of the Shattered Pact | World Anvil
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Zybilna (zih-BILL-nuh)

Zybilna is an Arch-Fey, adopted daughter of Mana Lima, and the ruler of the Domain of Prismeer. She is a tall, slender, Fey woman with long white hair, with black streaks in it. She has the tattoo of what seems to be a trident or pitchfork under her right eye. Her eyes are a piercing crystal blue. She acts as a kind of fairy godmother figure, aiding children in particular. She has also empowered a number of Warlocks through fey pacts, including Madryck Roslof, Kettlesteam, and Alarias ap Nithodel.   Recently, she seems to have been cut off from her realm, using her pacts to call for some kind of aid. Through magics of the Witchlight Carnival (which she is the patron of), it has been revealed that she has been imprisoned by her adopted sisters, a group of Hags called the Hourglass Coven. The Witchlight Court is working to find a way through Prismeer to free her, but their success remains to be seen.


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