Hither Organization in Tol - Shards of the Shattered Pact | World Anvil
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Hither is a part of the Feywild domain of Prismeer. When the Hourglass Coven trapped Zybilna, the realm's true ruler, they divided Prismeer into three parts, and Bavlorna Blightstraw took the area of Hither as her own. Under her rule, it has become a dismal swamp, the waters constantly rising and falling like an unpredictable tide. Foul creatures like Bullywugs have taken up residence, and the Harengon brigands that Zybilna had put down have returned to prominence under their leader, Agdon Longscarf. The Queen's Causeway that once led to Zybilna's Palace of Heart's Desire has crumbled in places, and many structures are leaning over dangerously as the ground has become unstable.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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