Witchlight Court Organization in Tol - Shards of the Shattered Pact | World Anvil
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Witchlight Court

The Witchlight Court is a group of Adventurers who largely hail from Tavanion. Seemingly drawn together by forces surrounding the Arch-Fey Zybilna and linked by family bonds, friendship, and memories of Zybilna improving their lives when they were children, they now quest to free Zybilna and overthrow the Hourglass Coven.   After coming together in the town of Kas Amnon, the attended the Witchlight Carnival. There, after many successes, including one of their own becoming the Witchlight Monarch, they entered into the Feywild Domain called Prismeer. There, they seek to right what is wrong and restore Zybilna to her throne.   THe Court is composed of:  
Adventuring Party


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