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Cup and Talisman of Al'Akbar

    The Cup and Talisman of Al’Akbar are powerful artifacts related to the goddess Shandalene. They belonged to Hazim Jamad Al'Akbar, a Bedourani holy man, and they were said to have been blessed by Shandalene herself. They were thought to be lost in the Desolation of Azmartheon, but they were actually in the Shadowfell. They were recently claimed by Brother Natharios of the Fire Wasps.   The chalice is made of hammered gold, chased with silver filigree and set with twelve great gems. It can convert wine into a healing draught when it is sipped form the cup. In addition, the holder can call blessings of Shandalene on the companions of its possessor.   The talisman is made of hammered platinum in the shape of an eight-pointed star, chased with gold inlays, and with a small gem tipping each point. The star depends from a chain of gold set with silver beading. The talisman is said to remove diseases and curses.   Someone who possesses both the cup and the talisman is said to be able to bring back the dead. When they are together, however, they cause great greed in those who see them, and even good people have tried to kill the possessor in order to take them for themselves.   After recovering the Cup & Talisman, Brother Natharios brought them to the Free City of Castamir. He entrusted the holy items to Aliya Stormbender, and the Angel Manakel stayed to protect the shrine and the holy items.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic


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