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Brother Natharios is a Minotaur Cleric of Shandalene who was raised Seowyn's Crossing. His parents were Eleos and Kalosyne Blackhorns, his older brother was Kethalios Blackhorns, and his uncle was Sklirios Bloodheart. He is cousin to Batharios Blackhorns, the Emperor of Minostal.   The infant minotaur was spirited away to Aldorath and hidden in a hollow tree by his parents when they were attacked by cultists of Baphomet, including his uncle and brother, near Seowyn's Crossing. Although Eleos and Kalosyne were slain, the cultists were driven off by Abbot Justan, Brother Jacoby, Brother Candus, and Brother Teodorus. Abbot Justan found the infant and decided he would be raised in the church, over Brother Jacoby's protests. He named the child Eustace and raised him with love.   Eustace was good friends with another foundling, Brother Christopher, whom he secretly loved but was too frightened to confess his love to. As he got older, he made friends with other local children, notably Brom Furrow and Tristan Holdfast. Later still, he got to know Ghost, Kidalis Havengard, and Tilly Thistleshanks, and they formed a secret group they called the Fire Wasps. When they were young adults, Brom was killed by Goblinoids, and Eustace was often haunted that his healing powers had not been enough to save his friends.   When they were of a majority, and after being joined by The Shaper, the group set out adventuring together. Eustace carried a sword that he inherited from Abbot Justan before the latter died, leaving Jacoby as the new Abbot, but he preferred the scythe as his weapon. Eventually, from Brother Nehem of the Monastery of St. Arnd, he discovered that Justan had been a Paladin of Shandalene named Arnd in his youth. When he delivered the sword to them, he became the protector of the Invulnerable Coat of St. Arnd, a powerful artifact.   Later, Eustace came into possession of a scythe composed of light, which he named Hope, and he was tasked by the Angel Manakel on Shandalene's behalf, to seek a pair of artifacts called the Cup and Talisman of Al'Akbar. This quest took him through Bedourin and into Minostal, where he met his brother Kethalios. He learned the name his parents had given him, Natharios, and began using that name instead. He defeated his brother in battle and slew his treacherous uncle, Sklirios. He then quested into the Desolation of Azmartheon, where he found the Cup and Talisman and eventually delivered them to a shrine of Shandalene in the Free City of Castamir.   Although the Fire Wasps lost Kidalis in battle and Ghost to her people's needs, they also gained Rubicus Chillbrow and Naali Chamond. Naali developed a strong bond with the cleric, explained her strange heritage to him before most of the rest of the group. After the Tarrasque was freed by the Five Who Call, Natharios and the rest of the Fire Wasps sought the means of its destruction. Hoping to find a way to stop the deaths the Tarrasque caused from being used as sacrifices to free the Chained Oblivion, Tharizdun, Natharios led the group into the Astral Sea to Arenthus, home realm of The Twelve where he met both his goddess and his parents. He continued to quest with the Fire Wasps to seek the Tarrasque's defeat, ultimately fighting in the Battle of Worldbreaker's Howe, where he kept his comrades alive and unleashed holy fury upon the foe. It was he who asked for the miracle that allowed Kidalis to return and participate in the battle with them.   Because of his deep spirituality, he often acts as the group's moral compass, reminding them to do the right thing, even when it isn't convenient. He is known to have a furious hatred of undead, but his compassion and willingness to forgive even led to him trying to have his brother repent and return to the light.


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