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The drow, commonly called dark elves, were once part of the same race of Fey that gave rise to the Elves and Eladrin. During The Feywar , they were the supporters of Laloltharia, goddess of intrigue and cunning. They played the elves and eladrin against each other, causing a schism between them. Then they attacked, trying to seize the ancient powers of Eldanor for themselves and their goddess.   They were defeated by the reconciled elves and eladrin, who cursed them and drove them from the Feywild. The eladrin swore they would have no home in the Feywild, and the elves swore that no place on the face of Tol would be safe for them. So the priestesses of Laloltharia, now calling herself Lolth, Demon Queen of Spiders, led them down into the Underdark. They settled in a great vaulting cavern complex near a gateway to Lolth’s realm in the Abyss. The chaotic energies of the Abyss changed them, and they now have skin that ranges in tone from a dusky purple to obsidian black, white hair, and an undying hatred for light and their surface-dwelling cousins.   Their society is ruthless and both theocratic and matriarchal. Worship of Lolth pervades and dominates drow society, and there seem to be no depths to which they will not stoop to further their own twisted ends.   Or so it was thought.   In recent years, rumors have persisted that a large number of Drow have left the vaults of their ancestors, settling elsewhere in the Underdark and seeking peaceful lives alongside other Underdark folk, such as Svirfneblin. Although at first believed to be treachery, the scope and scale of these activities has convinced many that some kind of upheaval has fundamentally changed the structures within Drow society.


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