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Half-Elves are an intriguing race among the various folk of the Seven Kingdoms. Their origins as a people come from a cross-breeding of the Elves of Faerinwold and the Humans of Summerlund and Norhast, although Elf-Summerling and Elf-Kalrentai half-elves are much more common than Elf-Hastane half-elves. Half-elves breed true with each other, suggesting that the union of these two races have created a fully new race. Half-elves that mate with elves also produce more half-elves, but half-elves that mate with humans create more humans, albeit humans with slightly elfin features.   Half-elves claim no independent nation, instead generally living among one or the other of their parent races. They make excellent diplomats between the elven and human nations, as they’re capable of seeing both sides of any argument between their “cousins”. They’re also quick learners, and they often display a wide variety of tricks that they’ve picked up from various sources. It’s theorized that they’re largely kinisthetic learners, learning more from watching others in action than from reading or studying. Don’t be surprised if the half-elf warrior you meet can also heal or throw a spell or two. It’ll be something they just “picked up along the way”.


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