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Seven Kingdoms

The Seven Kingdoms was an alliance of lands that covered much of the continent of Aldorath from 1 SKR to about 710 SKR. It was never formally dissolved, but, following the betrayal of the Kingdom of Gristamere, most of the Seven Kingdoms consider the alliance largely defunct.
  The Seven Kingdoms were first called together by Shalana Silvermyst, Esavola of the Eladrin kingdom of Tavanion during the War of the God King . She called the gathering the Conclave of the Seven Kingdoms (although some of the lands called in could hardly be called kingdoms). Representatives from the Hastane of Norhast, the Summerlings of Summerlund, the Elves of Faerinwold, the Dwarves of Kurdenheim, the Halflings of Dalenshire, and the Goblinoids of Gristamere met in Gwyllan's Watch to discuss the depredations of the Orcish Hordes. This alliance took the Seven Kingdoms to victory.
  In the peaceful years that followed, the alliance led to trade cooperation between the kingdoms, and all of them flourished. In Tavanion, a new calendar was adopted that soon led to the uses of the terms "Pre-Kingdoms" and "Seven Kingdoms Reckoning" being adopted through the lands. There was also an effort to quell the wilds between the kingdoms, allowing them to expand and for people to live without fear of monsters attacking.
  Things were more or less quiet, until 340 SKR when Aldwyn Tarmoore of Summerlund called the Second Conclave of Seven Kingdoms. He brought before the Conclave the evidence of the actions taken by his sister, Adala Tarmoore, the Witch Queen, including deals with Devils, raising undead, and luring aberrations from the Far Realm. It was agreed that actions needed to be taken, and the First Witching War was formally declared.
  After the Witch Queen was defeated, another period of peace followed, and a golden age of prosperity began. Led largely by Summerlund, all manner of cooperative projects were undertaken. Dwarves from Kurdenheim, following blueprints from Gristamere, aided human from Summerlund in building the Crownways, the ancient roads that criss-cross the continent, and mighty fortresses. A standard agreed upon currency of copper, silver, gold, and platinum was used freely between the Seven Kingdoms, and a common trade language was established, causing the old Falwythi tongue of Summerlund to largely fall into disuse as they adopted Common as their official language.
  The Third Conclave of the Seven Kingdoms was called due to terrible turmoil. King Varwyn Tarmoore of Summerlund had been murdered by the Witch Queen, who had amassed a new army and allied with the Orcish Hordes. Under the banner of Caudus Tarmoore, the Second Witching War Witching War was begun. This time, however, things seemed troubled. The old alliances seemed strained, as many, especially Norhast and Kurdenheim, grumbled about having to fight seemingly endless wars with Summerlund's enemies. And, after several years of fighting, disaster struck.
  Having been promised much of Summerlund's lands in return for their aid, the goblinoids of Gristamere betrayed the other kingdoms at the Battle of Blackfields in 709 SKR. Caudus was slain in this battle, and the Seven Kingdoms were truly divided. Although the great knight Landyn Kassryx took the banner of Lord Steward of Summerlund, things no longer seemed unified. Summerlund found itself pincered by Goblinoids to the north and Orcs to the south and lost land to both of them. Dalenshire lost huge amounts of land to the Orcs, causing the Halflings to retreat into the bayous and swamps, lands that the orcs couldn't easily negotiate. Although the Orcs were quelled and the Witch Queen vanished, things with Gristamere settled in an uneasy truce. The War was declared over, but the tension remained.
  Over the next nearly four-hundred years, hatred continued to simmer. All of the Kingdoms withdrew more and more into themselves, largely avoiding contact. The Crownways fell into ruins, and robber barons declared themselves petty kings and took over old fortresses that had been abandoned due to a lack of people to man them. The Seven Kingdoms was an old dream, and one that seemed doomed to fade away.
  In 1081 SKR, however, Lord Steward Harbryn Thonwyr and Tristan Holdfast jointly called the Fourth Conclave of the Seven Kingdoms . Supported by Prince Belerion ap Kadishai of Tavanion, they told the others of the emergence of the Tarrasque and how its rampage was likely to lay waste to much of the continent if means could not be found to stop it. Representatives from all seven kingdoms were there, including the renegades Valkur Narthask and Kabarika Clikirik for Gristamere. Wisdom was sought and given, and plans of action were formed. It's just possible that a new alliance could be formed.
Alliance, Generic


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