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Holds of the Sea Barons

  The Holds of the Sea Barons are a maze of islands and reefs created by the same land shattering that created the Lake of Lost Memory. This area is used by many Orc, Half-Orc, and Human pirates and mercenaries are a place to hide their loot or themselves. Many of these barons are nothing more than freebooters and villains, but some who style themselves the Free Barons of the Sea Holds (more commonly just called the Sea Barons) are somewhat different. These Sea Barons recognize themselves and each other as a collective maritime nobility. They and their crews live by codes of honor, and they are often as dangerous to the “lawless pirates” who hide in the Holds as they are to mercantile trade outside the Holds.
  Some of the Sea Barons venerate Laminok Bloodfist, especially the orcish ones. Many more sacrifice to the Demon Prince Demogorgon for conquest, pillage, and ferocity in battle. Demogorgon’s lieutenant, Dagon, is rarely actively worshiped, but sacrifices are thrown into the sea to stop him from sinking a ship, or to ask him to guide ships to them. Most of the Sea Barons consider the sea to be “Dagon’s Gullet” and have many colorful phrases around this. “If ye don’t surrender yer goods, we’ll be feedin’ ye t’ Dagon’s Gullet.”


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