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Orcs are a race of aggressive and tribal humanoids that are considered a menace by most civilized peoples. Their race is believed to have originated in the rugged steppes and mountains of Turkhast, far to the south of Aldorath. They predominantly worship Laminok Bloodfist, their God-King, but others follow The Three Who Are Hidden or one or more Demons or Devils. The orcs who serve Laminok are known collectively as the Orcish Hordes, and they have made life difficult in Aldorath, both as corsairs and as dangerous land barbarians.   Despite their savage reputation, some orcs, exhausted by endless wars with the other folk of Tol, are attempting to turn away from Laminok's rule. Although they are still tribal, they instead have learned to venerate Tuan Gildenhelm, the lost orcish god of chivalry and honor. Others who have spent a long amount of time stationed in Sudwaine, dealing with Summerling folk, have quietly begun to follow The Twelve. Still others have begun to follow Primal Spirits Overview, such as The Totems. The beginning rumbles of small orcish fiefdoms trying to establish themselves both in Turkhast and on Aldorath have been heard.


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