BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


When the brother-gods Laminok Bloodfist and Tuan Gildenhelm fought their great battle, their Orc followers also battled. As the fight went on, Laminok’s followers became more and more bestial, while Tuan’s followers became more and more ennobled. When Tuan fell, his blood washed over his followers, changing them physically. They were forced to flee, and many of them were slaughtered by Laminok’s followers. Those that survived fled and sought sanctuary among other good cultures.   The descendants of those survivors still live today. Although they call themselves the Urku, or Tuan’s Chosen, they are often stuck with the unfortunate nickname of half-orcs. The urku are not truly a mix of human and orcish blood but a true race of their own. They are renowned for their strength and ferocity in battle. Unfortunately, their difficult origin as a separate race from their orcish cousins and the slow decline in the worship of Tuan has caused many urku to turn to less than honorable pursuits. Many use their strength to bully and take what they need from weaker peoples. Many become agents for the Orcish Hordes or rally pirate ships among the Holds of the Sea Barons. Some, however, keep the lessons of the god that made them what they are close to their hearts and become Paladins of Tuan, ferocious, honorable, and chivalrous.


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