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Limba was a gigantic gator who menaced the Halflings who fish along the Silver Rush river. Although he had allegedly plagued the river for decades, he only ever attacked halflings, leading some (non-halfling) scholars to deduce that he was actually a “representation of the crocodile danger in the river”. Halflings know better; Limba was real. One of his victims was Arbilly Thistleshanks, father of Tilly Thistleshanks. He also nearly tore Tilly’s arm off in the same attack.
  With the help of advice from Odetta Brambleberry and the strength of the rest of the Fire Wasps, Tilly was able to use his family’s sharrash, O'goun, to gain vengeance, killing the big beast and then following its spirit back to the Feywild and defeating it again when it took a humanoid form. Limba’s spirit was captured in a bottle Odetta gave to him and returned to her for safe keeping. From the people of the Feywild, he learned that Limba was a nightmare creature called a Kumaat, feeding on the fear it engendered in the families of its victims.
  Years later, Limba was released by Dame Rigel ap Balorann who gave the creature a chance to strike back at its tormentors. Limba was defeated once more and returned to his bottle.


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