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Tilly Thistleshanks

Tilly Thistleshanks is a member of the Thistleshanks Halfling clan. He is the son of the late Arbilly Thistleshanks and Dalia Thistleshanks, grandson of Picadilly and great grandson of Gadakilly, the clan Granpere. He has five younger siblings, Chilly, Dilly, the twins Willy & Nilly, and Gilly.   As a young boy, Tilly survived an attack by the Kumaat Limba that claimed his father's life and nearly cost him his arm. He was saved by the timely intervention of his childhood sweetheart Henna and her formidable Granmere, Odetta Brambleberry. After he recovered, he began practicing with his father's sharrash, O'goun, determined to get justice for his father's life someday.   Life on the rivers and bayous was hard, especially when others like Bosco Fisher tried to move in on Thistleshanks fishing grounds. Tilly learned to hold his own, though, and he soon made friends at the north end of their fishing route, the Fire Wasps out of Seowyn's Crossing. With Brom Furrow, Brother Eustace (later called Natharios, Ghost, Kidalis Havengard, and Tristan Holdfast, he found friends that he could stand tall next to. Sadly, they lost Brom when they were young adults, but they still planned to be adventurers together to make their fortunes. When they reached majority, they gained their charter from Baron Kadran Greenfields, as well as a new member, the Shardmind Shaper, who seemed to have some of Brom's memories.   Alongside the others, he had many adventures. He was able to defeat Limba, capture his spirit in the Feywild, and then return it to Granmere Odetta. This caused O'goun to begin singing, revealing some of its additional powers. He continued to court Henna, but he gained a rival in Arbilly Willowshade, named for his own father by his cousin, Lily Willowshade. He also gained a strange ally/teacher named Rhezi Dhaldeldo, who performed odd alchemical experiments on him in the guise of teaching him alchemy, ultimately infusing him with wild magic and allowing him to cast spells of his own.   A call for help caused him to seek out Granmere Odetta to discover both she and the vessel of Limba's spirit gone. He traveled into the Feywild to help rescue her, losing his life in the process. Although he was returned to life, it was a traumatic experience, but his sacrifice had not been in vain. As thanks, Granmere Odetta acquiesced to Henna's wish that they should be married, and a new generation of Thistleshanks is on the way.   Tilly recovered the Heart of the Bayou, completing O'goun for the first time in centuries, and the powerful weapon began singing an even more a potent song. He has also been loaned the Minotaur Girdle of Might, Balbrambor, making him one of the most potent and dangerous warriors in all of Tol. At the Battle of Worldbreaker's Howe , Tilly faced off against and helped to defeat the Tarrasque, spending much of the battle inside the Tarrasque's gullet and attacking it from within. He struck the blow that rendered the Tarrasque briefly helpless, allowing Naali Chamond to Wish it back to the Sleep of Ages.


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