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    The three day holiday of Midsummer is celebrated on the days of Chul 21, 22, and 23. On these nights, the golden moon of Tol, Kassyle, becomes full, while the blue moon, Davron, is new. This lends warm light to the evening’s festivities, which are usually held outside. In addition, many small paper lanterns are strung between trees in a town, casting even more illumination over the celebration.   This holiday is sacred to Shandalene, the mother goddess of the Summerlund Gods called The Twelve. All three days are taken as days of rest, and the nights between are often celebrated as a time for newly-weds to consummate their vows. In fact, Midsummer marriages are considered to be very lucky if performed on Chul 22, leaving the night after for celebration.   On Chul 23, it’s common for friends and family to exchange gifts with one another, as well as for the leaders of communities or guilds to hold large feasts to celebrate the holiday.   In general, this holiday is a way for the hard-working Summerlings to celebrate the blessings of the gods upon them.


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