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The Twelve

The Twelve are a pantheon of Gods worshiped by the Humans of Summerlund who brought the worship of the Twelve from their original homes in Falwyth. They rule the Astral domain of Arenthus. The parental figures of the pantheon are Shandalene and Oldorin, but, because of Oldorin's general absence from Arenthus, Shandalene is considered the primary figure of the group.   The Twelve are:
  • Shandalene – the Mother Goddess – Goddess of Life and Nature
  • Oldorin – the Father God – God of Death and Inevitability. Unlike the others, he resides in the Shadowfell.
  • Adanos – God of Magic and Song
  • Aiyela – Goddess of War and Rage
  • Avara – Goddess of Trickery and Luck
  • Danuvia – Goddess of Protection and the Hearth
  • Haladan – Deity of Passion and Love
  • Malana – Goddess of Agriculture and Farming
  • Randor – God of Crafting and Work
  • Rishtathis – God of Oceans and Storms
  • Valdamor – God of Valor and Chivalry
  • Valena – Goddess of Commerce and Travel

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