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  Neldorin is a large forest situated in the western area of Aldorath. In the northern areas, near the Everfrost Mountains, it tends to be primarily coniferous. In the southern regions, the confiers give way to more deciduous trees. Besides common trees such a willows, oaks, and pines, it is also home to the rare trees called Weeping Dannors, and it is the only place on Tol where one can find the flowers naturally growing called Elf Slippers and Kingsbrooch and the golden leafed trees called Theldenens.
  The region is known for its ties to the Feywild, and many Fey creatures can be found in Neldorin at various times. It is also the primary home of the Elves, and Summerlings who live nearby came to call the area of forest they claim the Faerinwold. Some parts of Neldorin also form the northern area of Tavanion, and the western area of Summerlund, where it is called the Mistwood.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)


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