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Orcish Hordes

The Orcish Hordes are a group of Orc tribes from Turkhast that banded together under the rule of the God-King Laminok Bloodfist in 5 PK. They sailed north from the continent of Golognoth and raided on the eastern and southern coasts of Aldorath. Their depredations caused Shalana Silvermyst to call the first Conclave of the Seven Kingdoms and begin what became known as the War of the God King. Although the Hordes were driven back, a scattered group of tribes remained on the southeastern coast of Aldorath. Many more took the orcish ships and fled north along the coast to an archipelago of reefs and islands in the Bright Sea. As corsairs of other races joined them, they became a greater power, and the islands became known as the Holds of the Sea Barons.
  During the Second Witching War, the Hordes regrouped, driven by Laminok’s call. They took advantage of the confusion sowed by the attacks of Adala Tarmoore the Witch Queen and the betrayal of Gristamere to almost completely displace the Halflings of Dalenshire and to capture portions of southern Summerlund. The areas they conquered, largely inhospitable, arid land, have become known as the Orcish Steppes . They built a powerful temple-city to Laminok that they call Sharbaduk, previously the island city of Sudwaine in Summerlund. They remained in fairly constant conflict with Dalenshire and Summerlund, as well as Tavanion to the west.
  Between 1078 and 1081 SKR, the Hordes suffered three major losses. First, a major offensive against Summerlund resulted in the War of the Three Heads, in which they were largely defeated. Then the War of the Broken Chain cost them Sudwaine. Finally, they sided with the Five Who Call at the Battle of Worldbreaker's Howe, resulting in a fracturing of their structure and an overall rout. Much of the Horde has fled back to Turkhast, and their future is uncertain.
Political, Confederation


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