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    Sudwaine is both the name of an island off the southern coast of Summerlund in the Sea of Sunken Fires and the city built on that island. Both are part of the Kingdom of Summerlund. At the end of the Second Witching War , the Orcish Hordes swept into the city on corsair ships, taking the Human inhabitants prisoner. They were used by the Orcs as slave labor to build Sharbaduk, a city-temple in glory to Laminok Bloodfist, their God-King. The Summerlund Navy tried on several occasions, without success, to free the humans of Sudwaine.   It wasn’t until the War of the Broken Chain  in 1081 SKR that Summerlund reclaimed their lost territory, forcing the orcs to flee either north to the Orcish Steppes or south back to Turkhast. After the coronation of King Tristan Holdfast Tarmoore in 1083 SKR, Harbryn Thonwyr was invested as Prince of the new Principality of Sudwaine. This new realm includes the island and the coastal areas of the Orcish Steppes that were reclaimed. Harbryn intends to rebuild Castle Valkurath as his seat of power.


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