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Tuan Gildenhelm

According to Orcish tradition, the orcs were created by two brother Gods, Laminok Bloodfist and Tuan Gildenhelm. While Laminok was a god of fury and battle, Tuan was a god of chivalry and honor. Eventually, the two brothers met in a terrible conflict for control of the destiny of the orcs. Tuan’s axe left a terrible scar on Laminok’s face and destroyed one of his eyes, but Laminok’s spear pierced Tuan’s throat, and the chivalrous god was thought to have perished. Laminok named himself Kinslayer and become the God-King of the orcs. The Urku, sometimes called Half-Orcs, or Tuan’s Chosen, fled, fearing that their god had perished. Indeed, it’s said that it was his blood that elevated his orcish followers to the more noble forms they wear to this day.   Although most orcs believe that Tuan is gone, a small cult remains to his worship amongst the orcs, suggesting that the fallen god remains alive, if barely. Every once in a while, a lone Cleric or Paladin of Tuan appears, but the worshipers of Laminok are quick to denounce and slay the heretic. Tuan’s Hall remains empty and dark, although his body has never been found by the other Gods. It remains to be seen if Tuan Gildenhelm is truly dead, or if he will ever regain his place among the Gods.


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