Reshyke Verathax
Reshyke Verathax is a green-scaled Dragonborn Druid who lives in the city of Mahakazor. Like the rest of her people, she grew up surrounded by the Desolation of Azmartheon and hearing legends of when it was a great Empire. Unfortunately, she also grew up under the power of Xhamathaxanor the Beholder, but her spirit remained unbroken. She saw in the Fire Wasps a chance to overthrow the Eye Tyrant and its Foulspawn servants, and she aided them in liberating the city.
Reshyke is a thoughtful and contemplative figure, somewhat aloof from her people. She seeks to heal and provide for her clan, but she rarely speaks. She’s glad to back the plays of other, more assertive dragonborn of her people.
Reshyke is a thoughtful and contemplative figure, somewhat aloof from her people. She seeks to heal and provide for her clan, but she rarely speaks. She’s glad to back the plays of other, more assertive dragonborn of her people.