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Vagabond's Loop

Vagabond’s Loop is a mostly Halfling district in the port-area of Seowyn's Crossing. It was begun as something of a refugee camp during the Second Witching War when many halflings were fleeing the invasion of Dalenshire by the Orcish Hordes. Since that time, however, the carts and wagons that were circled there have become fairly permanent structures, leading to halflings being counted the second most populous race in town.
  The neighborhood has a lot of character, and most of the halflings there are honest, friendly folks (although a few pick-pockets do seem to infiltrate any Boucherie that springs up.) Many halflings supplement their income by serving authentic dishes to travelers and locals alike, and the Loop has become a center for good halfling cooking, visited by many of the folk of the Seven Kingdoms with an interest in cuisine.


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