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Zurvedus Wavewalker

Zurvedus Wavewalker is a Tiefling mariner who hails from a family of sea-farers and map-makers. He is a wizard who appears to have a number of spells related to controlling the wind and air elementals. He possesses the family sea charts, which are of great use in navigating the waters of the Bright Sea, especially around Falwyth.
  In 1081 SKR, he undertook a voyage with Darberik Fivebraids and the Fire Wasps aboard the Cassada's Vigil. Before he boarded, however, he was replaced by the Wizard Aerisi Kalinoth, a servant of Yan-C-Bin, Prince of Evil Elemental Air. He was eventually rescued and journeyed with the ships all the way to the Desolation of Azmartheon.


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