Trolerike Organization in Toriel | World Anvil


Trolerike (From Giant, signifying "Kingdom"), often refered to as the Gorian Empire by outsiders, is the realm of primal Ogre after they managed to break free from the Ordning and the clutch slavery of giants.   Grog led the ogres of Trolerike in a revolution, earning loyalty and reverence. Ogres prefer minimal clothing, adorned with warpaints to appear fearsome. They speak Giant and trollspeak, a mix of Common and Giant. Ogre names are fearsome and gender-neutral, gaining nicknames as surnames.   Initially created by giants, primordial ogres like Grog gained freedom and power through magic learned from the titan Tromokratis. In 5103 BD, Grog rebelled, killing giants and leading to the establishment of the Gorerike empire. As ogres split into trolls and orcs due to physical and belief changes, they renamed their kingdom Trolerike.   Trolerike thrived for 600 years, focusing on trade and arcane arts. However, Imperator Molok's deceit led to conflict with giants and titans. Giants, aided by their gods, ultimately destroyed Goria in 4507 BD, ending Trolerike. Stronmaus cursed the trolls, stripping their intellect and reducing them to ogres.  




Gorgrog Giantslayer (5103 BD - /)
Molok (/ - 4507 BD)
Ogre, Troll
Main Pantheon
Giant Pantheon


-5103 - -4507


A kingdom is generally made up of a people with a relationship of loyalty to its king. Ogre from Trolerike followed the first king, Grog as the leader of their revolution, the breaker of chains who set them free, and they later followed his heir as vassals of his ideas.


Preferring to show off their physique, ogres eschew garments that cover too much skin. In order to look more fearsome to their enemies, they adorn their bodies with warpaints created using mortars and pestles.  


Trolls have no language of their own, but speak Giant and "trollspeak", a guttural mix of Common and Giant.  


Ogre of the Gorerike kingdom have personal names given at birth and gain fearsome nicknames they use as surnames later on in life. Ogre names make no distinctions between male and female.   Names: Bauldig, Bellygut, Bigbellower, Blaut, Booger, Bul, Buluk, Craggut, Crogg, Dodluk, Drunkzedd, Dunk, Flaggog, Folg, Freg, Furtdragg, Gaunnt, Ghar, Ghark, Glogg, Glok, Glorub, Goldtooth, Gondrud, Gorg, Gragbat, Gragus, Granik, Graut, Grendel, Grod, Groil, Grolg, Groll, Groth, Grout, Gurth, Gutblaster, Gutblaut, Gutflag, Gutrugg, Jhared, Kogg, Kus, Mag, Malbob, Malgut, Malkrad, Malron, Moobs, Morg, Odor, Og, Olag, Plaugg, Pokju, Ragagg, Rotteeth, Ruff, Ruff N'thorg, Ruffgutt, Ruggog, Skruss, Smashgudder, Snaggle, Targog, Thogub, Thorg, Thrudd, Thrugg, Torgulg, Vrud, Vudd, Zok, Zrakk   Surnames: Beardstrangler, Brutbane, Flesheater, Gallbladder, Goblingizzards, Gutblaut, Halflingchewer, HunterKilla, Legchewer, Mallet-Hands, Manboubz, Mawchosen, Mawghast, Rocksburna, Soupeater, Soupstealer, Skullchewer  


First created by the giants to coexist with them in the material plane, and to serve them, primordial ogres were initially imbued with immense size, strength, and bulk thanks to the infusion of Giant power.   Grog, like other primordial ogres, was initially a slave to the giants. However, his labor under a Storm Giant led him to a fateful encounter with Tromokratis, the titan residing within Toriel's sea. This meeting served as Grog's introduction to the fundamentals of arcane Magic. Intrigued by the ogre's potential, the titan offered Grog power in exchange for information about the god's creations, the giants.   Grog started to assemble followers thanks to his newfound powers, as he shared the secret of magic he had learned. With his followers, he started to rebel, killing the very giants who thought of him as a slave.   In 5103 BD, with his followers, Gog did rebel against the giants, whom the ogres revered and feared as gods. Gog did not only kill one giant with his magic, but several. By his fifth, stories of his deeds were known to all captive ogres., erasing their fear of their master.   Freed from their giant oppressors, they established their own empire, led by Grog who proclaimed himself "Gorgrog," the King of Ogres. The capital city was renamed "Goria," signifying the throne of the king, and this marked the birth of the Gorerike.   As the ogres severed their ties with the giants, their physical stature began to diminish along with their strength. Some feared the vengeance of the giants, and sought ways to destroy the giants. Others turned to shamanism and sought refuge underground, fearing the return of the giants. This division in beliefs led to a split in the ogre population, with those dwelling underground gradually transforming into what would later be known as orcs, while those remaining on the surface became what we now refer to as trolls.   With those physical change, and to mark the end of their Time as slaves, the ogres decided to name themselves Trolls, Renaming Gorerike, the kingdom of Ogres into Trolerike, the kingdom of Trolls.   Over time, Trolerike expanded its dominion across the world, although their focus was not solely on conquest. The trolls developed a sophisticated trade network spanning both land and sea, connecting Goria to distant strongholds. Goria remained the capital city and a center for apprentices to train in the arcane arts.   The trolls reigned over Goria for six hundred years until Imperator Molok attempted to deceive the giants of Voninerike in 4520 BD. Molok amassed an army with the aim of challenging the Titans. His forces clashed against Tromokratis and the Hedroforn, ultimately perishing against these formidable monsters. Unaware of the trolls' freedom from the giants' influence, Tromokratis and the Hedroforn sought vengeance against the giants, sparking a conflict between the giants and the Titans.   As the giants mobilized their forces to confront the colossal adversaries, they found themselves outmatched by the Titans' might. The trolls, observing the Titans' progress, mustered a massive army and joined the fray, challenging the giants' dominion over the world.   Skoraeus Stonebones, the god of stone giants, sought to dissuade his siblings from joining the conflict, believing that the matter of their creation should be left for them to resolve. However, Stronmaus argued that the titan's involvment was not to be resolved by mortals and refused to heed his counsel. To tip the scales in favor of the giants, the giant gods intervened:   Stronmaus, the god of storm giants, forged a hammer to empower his followers in battle against the Titans, Jotun Hammer. The hammer's impact created the Hammerfall Crater, where the storm giants later erected the Hammerfall CItadel. Bestowed with storm-related abilities and the power of levitation, the sentient hammer served alongside the storm giants against the Titans.   Thrym, the god of frost giants, sought out Tromokratis to engage him in combat within the sea claimed as his domain. The two engaged in an epic battle in the northern region of the Frosted heights. Each strike of Thrym's weapon created glaciers as Tromokratis unleashed the fury of the ocean upon the god. Despite Thrym's valiant efforts, he was overwhelmed by the Titan's power. Skoraeus Stonebones intervened, distracting Tromokratis with strikes from his hammer on the ocean' floor, allowing Thrym to attack Tromokratis. This tactic proved effective, cracking Tromokratis's shell and forcing the Titan to retreat with significant damage.   Surtur faced the Hedroforn and, unlike his twin, sought Grolantor's assistance in facing this formidable challenge. However, Memnor intervened, recognizing the need for a strategic approach rather than brute force.   Memnor approached Grolantor, claiming that he alone could defeat the Titan if he waited in the frosted heights. Meanwhile, he persuaded Surtur to forge unbreakable chains suitable for a Titan. Memnor orchestrated a confrontation between Grolantor and Surtur, spreading rumors among the giants' ranks that his brothers were distracted them from the urgent situation. When the Hedroforn defeated the giants, it learned of the feud between Grolantor and Surtur and sought to kill them both.   However, only Grolantor was there to face the Titan, and as he launched his assault, both he and the Hedroforn fell into a pit dug by Memnor leading to the deepest regions of the world. There, Surtur and Memnor chained the Hedroforn while Grolantor attempted to fight it, sealing the Titan within the caverns in 4508 BD.   With the Titans defeated, the giants marched toward Goria, Trolerike's capital and unleashed their fury. A roaring storm churned above the city as the ground groaned and trembled. Over several hours, lightning, fire, and earthquakes ravaged the city, bringing down every wall and building, sealing off the escape routes, and burning the ships in the harbor. When nothing but ash and rubble remained, the earth itself wrenched open like a giant maw to swallow Molok and the remains of his great city whole.   Untold thousands of trolls died that day; none were left alive by the giants. Only whispers of the event would reach the other Gorian cities and outposts, but those whispers would be enough to discourage any further tampering with the giants. The Death of Molok marked the end of the Trolerike in 4507 BD.  
"You name yourselves trolls, and seek to be freed from our influence, your pride and arrogance have taken you too far. For your transgression, you shall be toys of all mortals, devote of intellect and will:
As a final punishment for the trolls, Stronmaus cursed them with a debilitating curse, stripping them of their intellect and will, reducing them to mere toys of mortals.


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