The Forbidden City of Omu Settlement in Toril CFG-XXII | World Anvil

The Forbidden City of Omu

The jungle parts to reveal a dead city enclosed by sheer cliffs. Ruined buildings and stone boulevards rise like ghosts from the floor of the misty basin. Colorful birds glide overhead. A waterfall pours into the basin, creating a swollen river that floods much of the city before draining into a deep rift filled with molten lava. A ruined palace lies a few hundred feet from the edge of the steaming abyss.
  Omu lies in a basin hidden in the depths of the rainforest, surrounded on all sides by sheer cliffs. The city is notoriously hard to find. Those who try must contend with miles of trackless jungle inhabited by natural predators, cannibals, and the remnants of Ras Nsi's undead army. Even skilled guides have difficulty threading their way through.   The cliffs surrounding Omu are 100-150 feet high and composed of crumbling rock. Thick jungle hugs the clifftops, with ferns, orchids, and moss spilling over the edges. Every 100 feet or so, a gargoyle perches on the brink of the precipice. Each vine-draped gargoyle perches on the clifftop, staring down at the ruined city. It has the face of a devil, with its mouth agape in a silent scream.  
The Forbidden City of Omu


  • The Forbidden City of Omu

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