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The Diadem of Venera

A powerful magic item powered by The Source. It survived the fall of ancient Venera and was carried to Yllara by the high elves.   The Diadem of Venera is always worn by the The Emerald Queen, is the mark of the ruler of the High Elves of Myfenor and provides powerful protection from all kinds of magic. Effects
  • As long as an elf wears the diadem, the wearer is under the effect of the True Source Mantle and Protection from Weave spells, cast at Expert difficulty. The diadem has a Channeling Ability of 100 for the purposes of rolling spellcasting challenges. See True Source Spellcasting System  for more details.
  • If the diadem is in Myfenor Forest , add 1 advantage die to all challenges it is required to roll.
  • The diadem's effects are deactivated if it fails a spellcasting challenge, or if a specific negation The Elfsong verse is sung within 120 feet of the diadem. This verse is known to the Emerald queen and passed down to her successors (+plus one person in  the queen's council , the Archdruid).
  • The diadem's effects are activated if a specific activation Elfsong verse is sung within 120 feet of the diadem. This verse is known to the Emerald queen and passed down to her successors (+plus one person in the queen's council, the Archdruid).


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