
A Guardsman is the security personal and soldier of The Sacred Garden and its Six Branches. Their job is to protect the Branch, its property, personnel, and clientele. A Guardsman is usually well-armed and armored and well-trained.


Payment & Reimbursement

A small living stipend as the Branches provide most living expenses.

Other Benefits

Food, lodging, arms, and armor.


Social Status

A Guardsman is a soldier and treated as such by the general public although their authority typically begins and ends at their employer's doors, unless they are on escourting duty.   The clientele oft have a slight disdain for a Guardsman even though they are there to protect patrons, their primary duty is to the Branch and its staff first and they tend to not like when patrons get too handsy with the girls, particularly one they themselves might fancy.



Sword, Dagger, Spear, Shield, and Armor