High Guardsman

A Guardsman, of any of the Six Branches of The Sacred Garden, is hand-selected by a First-Rank Lady of the Night and approved by the Branch's Madam and Owner. While all guardsmen are responsible to the protection of their respective Branch and those under its employ, the High Guardsman is specifically assigned to the sole protection of the Lady he is requested there of. They undergo a blood ritual and are duty-bound to her until the Lady says otherwise or death takes them.


A guardsman and a First-Rank Lady of the Night undergo a ritual overseen by their Branch's Madam and the Guild Master.


Protection of their assigned Lady, whilst on the Branch's grounds and while she performs her duties beyond the Branch.


A High Guardsman will often be gifted with powerful weapons, armor, and items compared to their Guardsmen brethren to better protect their chargem, although the Madam may gift things simply because and the ladies simply to curry favor or show their preference to a particular guardsmen. These gifts also show the level of mutual-trust between the Madam, the High Guardsman, and his Lady as these types of gifts often make the High Guardsman a very real threat to the hierarchy of the Branch.
Form of Address
High Guard
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