Lucky Brawler

The Lucky Brawler is a keep adjacent to the northern-flowing Twin River that empties into Song Maiden's Bay several leagues to the north. It is one of the older keeps in the Empire, preceeding the formation of the empire by more than a century and served as a waypoint for moving armies. The family of Lightfoot Halflings that has lived in that region of Bay Watch, House Thornfellow, even predates the construction of the keep. Many Thornfellows to this day jest that their great-great-great grandfather in his later years got his hands on the strongest Dwarven whiskey he'd ever had... or some spiked Wood Elven hash and went on a physchadelic romp around the hills, possibly both, and then passed out in an exhausted, black-out stupor___ the stories are very muddled and conflicted___ on a round stone before waking up a pair of tendays later in a finely cut and polished chair of the same stone in a tower by the river and he covered in the finest silks, naming him the "King Carved from the Rock".   The Lucky Brawler hails homage to the Thornfellows' lifestyle of mirth, melody, and fisticuffs. Even the most uppity of Thornfellows got their start singing and performing on bar tops and getting into full-out tavern brawls with rowdy drunks, more often than not coming out with little more than a few scratches. The Lucky Brawler is a large keep, large to the Thornfellows at least, and has a fair amount of farmable land and access to the Torrose via the Twins and Song Maiden's Bay, allowing people and supplies to be moved by small watercraft. However, ruling over the keep's and territory's day-to-day operations often falls to the non-Halflings in the Thornfellows's court as, true to their House's words, the smallfolk tend to wander and disappear for extended periods.
Founding Date
217 ATS
Owning Organization