Bay Watch

The territorial range of the region known as Bay Watch in the Salvae Empire encompasses the northwestern coastal borders border just north of the Baltos Forest and stretches north and eastward from Song Maiden's Beacon to the northward-flowing sister of the Twins, stopping just on the edges of Ancola Forest. The border edges along the entire southern border of Song Maiden's Bay.   Bay Watch, which encompasses many small villages and towns, most notably, Torrin, Norbury, and Widow's Watch among others, is overseen and ruled by House Balor and its reigning matriarch, Viscountess Violeta Balor. Bay Watch is considered one of the more stable regions within the Empire as it is known to be a place where magical influences and those that reside there, namely House Balor and the High Elves of Kasluma tend to make vagrants and potential ne'er-do-wells to think twice before pushing their luck more than once if they make a mockery of House Balor as few of the lords and ladies that swear fealty to them are as gentle as their liege-lady.


Bay Watch is under the rulership of the viscountship of House Balor. House Balor holds the fealty of the baronies of the Houses Thornfellow and Romeri and the baronetcy of House Fire Soul, as well as a Half-Wood Elf knight-errant.   House Fire Soul has a Tiefling knight sworn to them.   House Romeri has a trio of knights sworn to them, in addition to the baronetcy of his third daughter, Andrea Giffard, at Oar's Rest.
Geopolitical, Province
Ruling Organization