Miserth Castle

Serving as the seat of power for House Lanne is Miserth Castle. It is far from the largest castle in the Salvae Empire, its footprint covering several acres of the Heartlands, but still houses a fair many outside of the Lannes, around a hundred eighty or so staff and several score of guards within the walls and can hold many more than what it does today in times of strife, but those that live under the rulership of the Lannes know that it is wiser to seek refuge with one of their bannermen, in all but the most dire of circumstances, as their keeps are built more for warfare.   Where once a wooden fort sat nearly six centuries prior before having flames cast upon it by the Phoenix of Torm and then being resurrected in stone, and expanded upon, by Dustin Lanne the Second. The castle, while sturdy and strong and easily defendable, still houses a family of the people and peace, it is more built for its strengths in logistics than warfare, though many a ravenous horde have broke upon its walls. The castle grounds and structures are built for battles of prolonged attrition; large granaries, larders, and salt rooms that, rumored, when filled to the brim can last for nearly a decade for tens of thousands along with livestock, along with bowmen manning the walls, which make up a large majority of the castle's defenders, along with some light cavalry and a few units of infantrymen.   Miserth Castle is also the home to an ancient Frostfire Tree that survived the Siege of Frightened Fire, and many other conflicts, with barely a scratch, despite several scores of acres of land burning around it. It serves as a place of reflection and prayer for the inhabitants of the castle.


Once a wooden fort that was destroyed during the Siege of Frightened Fire, due the area's lack of workable stone, the bulk of which had been used in the construction of The Triskele and the Keep of Miserth out of necessity. The bulk of the original castle was lost. But during its rebuilding the Lanne Family was able to procure quality stone and bring together a large team of stonemasons to rebuild the foundations of a more robust and formidable Miserth Castle known and seen in following Ages.


Travelers that make the trip to Miserth Castle tend to be merchants looking to resupply their food rations before heading further eastward as the next closest place to resupply is about a tenday away with good weather. But another reason that people frequent the Lanne's territory is to see the Frostfire Tree that grows within the castle walls.
Owning Organization