The Heartlands

The territorial range of the region known as the Heartlands in the Salvae Empire is the smallest of the territories, expanding some two- to three-hundred miles south of the Gulf of Bartholomew and encompassing almost the entire expanse of the Floods of Cyrriane. Despite its small size however, it is one of the most fertile areas in Kalbela and the region feeds mass swathes of the Empire's populace annually.   Overseeing this vernal and agrarian wonder from their seat of power at Miserth Castle is the barony of House Lanne, where they control the main thoroughfare both east and westward of the Great Road of Kalbela by way of the Triskele Bridge and the ever-looming Keep of Miserth guarding the crossroads and entry into the very heart of the Lanne's territory.


The Heartlands are under the rulership of the barony of House Lanne.   House Lanne has six knighted families sworn to them: Houses Skylark, Briarwood, Thorne, Fairwind, Vyrion, and Ironbeak.
Geopolitical, Province
Alternative Names
Lands of Plenty
Ruling Organization
Major Exports
Wheat, Barly, Rye, Oats, Fruits and Vegetables, Wine and Mead, Honey, Sheep, Cattle, Hogs, and Oxen