Lanne Family

The barony of House Lanne holds one of the most strategic and economically important centers in the Salvae Empire as the stewards that oversee the Heartlands; the territory where the Floods of Cyrriane twains from the Broken Spine from their ancestral home at Miserth Castle. It is a region well-known for its agricultural boons.   The Lannes are a family of the Second Age that served loyally under House Voloken for the better part of two centuries. They were always a quiet and peaceful house, enriched by their covetous positioning and ownership of The Triskele, the Keep of Miserth, and the rich farmlands that feed off the flood waters. They were never considered an intimidating house in terms of war craft, but were and still are a major supplier of food supplies and agricultural necessities for the other regional Houses and the Empire as a whole, thus it was never a worthwhile idea to make enemies of House Lanne as many of their rivals discovered throughout the centuries.   This would especially ring true during the Lost Emperor Uprising, when the Lady-Regent Galiene Lanne declared her house for the uncovered, bastard-heir of the Eighth Emperor, Roland Voloken; her family's standing and future was thrust onto unstable ground. The Lannes were forced from their ancestral home and stripped of their lands and titles by royal decree and they were given to the newly elevated Viscount, Eugene Van Roden, for his loyalty to the Twentieth Emperor, Ignus Talan V and his House, whom had controled the Emprie for the better part of the prior century and a half. But the ever-pious and faithful Tormish lady, followed the law and did her duty, no matter how unjust and led her citizenry from the area. But at the Siege of Frightened Fire she would, in a single day, reclaim her ancestral home and she almost single-handedly, on behalf of her house, would be responsible for one of the highest counts of bloodline extinctions during the uprising.   Today, near five centuries later, the Lannes still hold their ancestral home, keep, and bridge, their sphere of influence ranging a nearly three-hundred and fifty mile radius of farmlands, orchards, ranges, and small, scattered forests. They are by far the largest barony and rival the territorial range of some Countships, yet they hold the modesty of their barony proudly as they are still are a peaceful house. And while they cannot muster uncountable masses of soldiers when their banners are called, their bannermen are still many and the many local knights serve their liege-lord proudly; like their ancestors past, there are few that wish to provoke the quiet wrath of Lannes as they earned their name as Fire Doves, quite literally, all those centuries ago.


Torm the God of Courage and Self-Sacrifice is the Lanne Family's primary deity going back to well before the Phoenix burnt down Miserth Castle.   Being an agriculturally focused region and provider of the Empire, Chauntea the Goddess of Life, Bounty, and Agriculture finds many Lannes amongst her most devout and is highly celebrated.

Foreign Relations

Agriculture & Industry

Agricultural Hub with vast farmlands and orchards, small forests, and multiple water sources for additional food sources and irrigation.

Trade & Transport

The Lanne Family has lordship and direct control over a section of the Great Road that crosses through the Floods of Cyrriane at The Triskele and the Keep of Miserth. The keep can open or close this route on a whim, but is generally kept open on good faith by the Lannes.

Fire in Flight

Founding Date
412 ATS
Alternative Names
Fire Doves
Training Level
Major Exports
Wheat, Barly, Rye, Oats, Fruits and Vegetables, Wine and Mead, Honey, Sheep, Cattle, Hogs, and Oxen
Major Imports
Weapon-grade Metals, Glass, Stone

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