
Leonin are a race of noble and fierce lion-humanoids that hail from the vast expanses of the Raja'ri Territories of Kalbela and other remote deserts and savannahs across Trorune. They embody a primal connection to the wild and a proud warrior heritage and their mere presence exudes a regal strength, and their stories resonate with the echoes of untamed lands and undying courage.   Towering and statuesque, Leonin individuals typically stand between six and seven feet tall. Their muscular forms are covered in thick, luxurious fur that ranges from golden and sandy hues to deep shades of brown. With a visage that combines human and feline traits, they possess sharp, expressive eyes that reveal their keen intellect and untamed spirit.   In their rich and storied culture, Leonin value honor, loyalty, and strength above all else. Their tightly knit communities thrive on a shared understanding of their fierce ancestral heritage. Within these tight-knit prides, Leonin find their purpose and kinship, weaving a strong social fabric that extends to every member.   Unyielding in the face of adversity, Leonin warriors are formidable opponents on the battlefield. Trained from an early age in the art of combat, they master a range of weaponry and tactics. Leonin fight with a blatant sense of honor and responsibility that transcends the battle itself.   Deeply spiritual, Leonin revere the Sun as a guiding force and a representation of their divine connection. Their rituals and traditions often involve offerings to celestial deities or seeking the blessings of the stars. These practices further bind them to the untamed forces of nature, emphasizing their role as guardians of the wild.   The Leonin's connection to the wild is also evident in their skilled hunters and trackers, which are essential for the survival of their communities. Whether navigating dense forests, barren deserts, or rugged mountains, Leonin display an innate aptitude for traversing some the most inhospitable environments and overcoming their challenges.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Male and female Leonin, much like male and female lions, are sexually dimorphic. Males will typically be taller and bulkier than their female counterparts, with males sporting thick, flowing manes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like wild lions, Leonin form prides and practice polygyny, but females tend to only have one or two cubs at a time, unlike the multiples in litters of lions, after a gestation between seven and eight months.   Leonin and Tabaxi have shown successful interbreeding between the two feline races.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Leonin are sometimes the target and prize for Romeri lordlings that are on their coming-of-age Wild Hunt.   There are also orc and goblin tribes, as well as some desert tribes of humans in The Gold Plains that eat Leonin and use various parts of the body, claws, teeth, and heart primarily, in shamanistic rituals and religious ceremonies.
Scientific Name
Panthera homo leo
Average Height
6-7.5 ft.
Average Weight
200-375 lbs