Chaos Demons Species in Trutina | World Anvil
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Chaos Demons

All creatures that are not native to the Material Plane are referred to as demons. Except for their names, the demons of Chaos have nothing in common with the demons of Order.  

Weak Demons

Just like Chaotic religions, no two Chaos demons are alike. Most often Chaos demons are a mutation or perversion of the human form with distorted proportions.  

Powerful Demons

Larger monstrosities that come from Chaos vary greatly between animal-like and indescribable horrors with no recognizable features.

Summoning Chaos Demons

Unlike the gods of Order, neither Kaos, nor Sinistos is able to directly send a demon to Trutina, but they can do so with mortal help.   When a mortal wishes to summon a chaos demon, they can do so in two ways, similarly to how an Order demon can be summoned in two distinct ways. The first method is to open a gateway to The Plane of Chaos and allow a demon to come through. When done this way, the resulting demon is random based on what the magical portal finds first and thus seldom used by even the most fanatical Chaos worshippers. The second method is the self sacrificial method. As Kaos has a grip on all living beings, their souls can be used as a temporary gateway for a demon to enter Trutina. This requires an individual to give their souls for this purpose and it requires training, before a sacrificial summoning can be performed. After the individual is prepared by either willingly allowing it to happen or via force they can be used as a 'single use' summoning portal. When they die, their soul is ripped open while it is still tethered to their material self and a portal is opened for the demon. As the demon overtakes the soul of the sacrifice, their body becomes a host for the being and their new soul transforms their corpse into the demonic form. The type of demon one transforms into can be determined and the stronger the demon, the more training and discipline is required to allow it to materialize. For this reason, forcibly sacrificed people most often turn into a weak demon, while self sacrificing individuals can transform into more powerful forms.

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