Lacrian Ethnicity in Trutina | World Anvil
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The people of Lacager and the Blakfort Kingdom are a relatively small, but infamous group on The Continent thanks to their ambition and the Blakfort Dynasty. They have light skin and various hair colors, but their appearance is very similar to those of the surrounding people thanks to centuries of mixing.

Home, Sweet Home.

The lands of Lacager are very fertile, thanks to the many rivers feeding the Great Lakes in the area. This allowed the people of Lacager to enjoy a fairly safe life, not having to fight for food. This lifestyle made many Lacrians ’soft’ in the eyes of more war minded cultures, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Lacrians are willing and able to protect what they have and they proved this by starting countless rebellions against unfair rulers throughout the centuries. In times of war, peasants happily provide food and shelter to warriors of the crown and take up arms when called to war. In times of peace, Lacrians enjoy a silent life, but their ambition often leads them into cities where more money can be made.

United Nation.

Even though the Blakfort Kingdom bears the name of the ruling dynasty, its people have a strong sense of national pride about their kingdom and internal factions rarely try to seize power for themselves. Lacrian people don’t sit idly in their huts however as neighboring towns and settlements, further increasing the Lacrian sphere of influence.

Peace and Prosperity.

The people of Lacager live in a feudal society in which certain groups have various obligations. The peasants produce food and pay taxes, while the artisans make the tools and other necessities. While the peasants usually live in villages and small settlements, artisans usually concentrate in cities. Above them are the soldiers of the Blakfort Royal Army. They get paid by the crown but have to serve in the wars that the kingdom often finds itself in. Even higher are the nobles and knight of the kingdom who hold lands and/or titles and collect taxes. They usually have a lot of wealth and power and they are the ones who can pursue research and development. Somewhat separately stand The Church of Order.  While they technically fall within the jurisdiction of the lords whose property the temples are built upon, they are very influential and most often left to their own devices. The church facilitates the Order worship in the realm as well as provide magical help where they can, be it healing or destroying Chaos incursions.   Together, these groups live in harmony and their cooperation led the Lacrian people to be one of the happiest people on the Continent.  

Orderly Worship.

Lacrian culture has been influenced by the Order, leading to many new traditions among the population. These habits didn’t erase the earlier ones however, merely transformed them. This influence extends into their fighting style as well, favoring organized warfare instead of guerilla tactics even on small scale skirmishes. Lacrians rarely start bar-fights and petty brawls, preferring an honest duel instead.

Painted Record

Lacrian families (those that can afford such a thing that is) usually keep a record of their family's important events on their walls of their houses.
Such events include weddings, wars and battles or other, subjectively important events. As the family usually lives in the same house for generations, the walls of long-lasting families tend to be completely filled with such paintings. This practice is usually done on the internal walls first as the outer sides are whitewashed from time to time, which would require the painting to be redone every time. Particularly wealthy families can afford such a practice or the aid of a magic user who can replicate the paintings quickly.

Summer Steam

In the middle of the summer, usually between the 14th and 21st of July, the lakes of Lacager begin to emit a warm steam. The steam is believed to have healing properties and people rush to the lakes to bathe in them in this period. Many people saw the opportunity in the influx of people so lots of merchants can be seen setting up shops on popular bathing sites.

The Black Cloud

Every year in the first few weeks of summer, large rainstorms strike the duchy of Lacager. The legend says that the gods travel on these clouds and ruin the lives of the lazy. To avoid this fate, people set up big fabrics in cities and around their houses to hide from the gods and the rain. Paradoxically, people rarely work during these days.
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