Elf Lands Geographic Location in Trutina | World Anvil
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Elf Lands


Connected by a small landbridge to Mortoram, this landmass is named after its primary inhabitants, the Western Elves. As its naming suggests, it is home to elves and a few other races that found their fortune among them.   It is very similar to the Continent in terms of climate, making the unified Elf Empire the single strongest political entity on the planet. It is filled with lush forests, long, winding rivers and impressive mountain ranges.   Unlike the humans, elves tend to avoid bloodshed when settling disputes, so the landmass is relatively untouched by wars and destructive events. In its stead, the continent is full of shrines, temples and other holy sites, so much so, that wherever you are, you can see at least one elf-made structure in the distance. Elves also tend to flock to cities, making their settlements quite a bit larger than the average human city.   Between their bustling megalopolises, well-maintained roads mark trade routes and various sites exist purely for the enjoyment of the scenery, where elven nobles spend their time relaxing.   Besides these artificial beauties, several enchanting locations exist on the landmass, including the Golden Coast, Solcritoel's Stairwell and the Broken Dome of Volianne.  


The western elves have built a prosperous empire that thrives on trade, so their maritime empire is extremely important to the continent.  

The Elven Seas

As its name suggests, the Elven Seas lie to the East of the Elf Lands, between The ContinentThe Darklands and The Elf Lands. The Southern areas of these waters are primarily patrolled by Dark Elf slaver ships, while the Northern areas are populated by human and elven merchants travelling between the Elluin and the Continent.  

Gold Gulf

Where the Elven Seas end, the Gold Gulf begins as it divides the Elf Lands from the rest of Mortoram, with the exception of a small land bridge.  

Frozen Waves

The cold waters to the North of the Elf Lands are all referred to as the Frozen Waves. This cold ocean is populated by elven and Scovonian traders, but few of them dare to approach Mortoram on these waters.
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