Mortoram Geographic Location in Trutina | World Anvil
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Mortoram or the Dead Coast is a dangerous land of unknown beasts that make colonization nearly impossible. For this reason, little is known about its inhabitants to humans, but travelers often talk about lizardfolk and dragons after returning from there.   The landmass spreads from the North to the South and as such contains almost every kind of climate on the planet.   Mortoram is dominated by jungles, dense forests, deadly deserts and unforgiving plains. Any outsider who traveled there either died a quick and most likely painful death or escaped with horrible stories to tell about venomous creatures, hostile reptilian people and mighty dragons.   There is one area of the landmass that is better known to outsiders and that is the Elf Lands, which is considered to be its own continent by most.   Deep within the jungles of Mortoram, signs of an ancient civilization can be found in the form of large ziggurats and stone monuments. Whether or not these constructions are only the remnants of a bygone empire or the home of elusive creatures remains a mystery.  


Most of Mortoram is unknown to humanity, but the various bodies of water surrounding it have been explored to some extent.  

The Laughing Sea

On the Western shore of Mortoram lies the Laughing Sea, separating it from The Continent and Orkagr. As Mortoram is not traded with, this body of water is mostly empty.  

Gold Gulf

Where the Elven Seas end, the Gold Gulf begins as it divides the Elf Lands from the rest of Mortoram, with the exception of a small land bridge.   

Frozen Waves

On the Northernmost part of the planet, the Frozen Waves rule the landscape. This cold ocean is populated by elven and Scovonian traders, but few of them dare to approach Mortoram on these waters.
Alternative Name(s)
Dead Coast
Location under
Included Locations


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