Gunpowder Technology / Science in Trutina | World Anvil
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The invention of gunpowder happened at multiple locations around the same time in Trutina.  


First, it was developed by a renowned dwarven inventor, Thrammeak Flintjaw, who was working for the Atacodian crown in 1312. This invention was seen as a gamechanger and a potential weapon that the kingdom could use to expand.   Originally, it was kept under lock and key and only the royal guards of Flugburg were equipped with guns until its quirks were worked out by the inventor. By 1350, a few prototypes made by the inventor escaped the workshops, primarily through Flintjaw's rival, Kohlmann, who used a smaller version as his personal weapon of choice.  


The technology was also developed by human alchemists in northern Aitrun. The followers of the Souljar were trying to turn the tides against the Kingdom of Sojazira, occupying their territory.   Whilst these weapons were much worse compared to the expertly crafted guns of Flintjaw, they worked most of the time and most importantly, they were produced en masse, for a large number of combatants. Whilst the weapon quickly began spreading in Aitrun, some captured rifles found their way onto The Continent where they mistakenly thought to be instruments of magic and displayed as artifacts.  


Some elven alchemists came upon the same formula as well, shortly after Flintjaw developed it, but its explosive properties were deemed inferior to even basic spells, so it was never pursued.
Access & Availability
There are two main formulas for gundpowder. Black powder, developed by Flintjaw uses expensive materials and the exact formula is only known to him. Smoke powder, used by Souljar alchemists on the other hand requires much cheaper materials. These alchemists don't give the formula away to just anybody, but it is an increasingly common knowledge amongst them.
First discovered by Thrammeak Flintjaw, a renowned dwarven inventor at the orders of the Atacodian crown in 1312. The goal was to find a non-magical way to increase the Atacodian military's efficiency in combating heavily armored opponents. At first, the invention was used to make grenades, but its ability to propel projectiles was discovered by Flintjaw in 1328.
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