Aitrun Geographic Location in Trutina | World Anvil
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Aitrun is the largest landmass of Trutina and is home to humans as well as other, desert and jungle-dwelling folks. It is rich in minerals, but not in arable lands, making its countries rich, but lacking in manpower. This also leads to a lot of infighting which stopped any group from forming a long-lasting empire.   As a large continent, it is home to many different biomes, from vast deserts to cold plains. This continent is said to be the birthplace of humanity, or at least the place where they first separated from the Forebears. As a result, humanity dominates the majority of Aitrun, but to a much smaller extent than The Continent.   Aitrun can be divided into three distinct areas, each representing a different climate. On its Northern half, a large desert dominates the 'Head' of Aitrun. Endless sand dunes and the occasional oasis can be found in this area, but its shores are habitable and gave rise to various human civilizations throughout the centuries. 
South of the desert lies the 'Belly' of Aitrun. It is home to large jungles, massive rivers and fertile lands where a mysterious subraces of humanity rule the land. Unlike the 'Head' of Aitrun, the 'Belly' is excellent for agriculture and the humans inhabiting the area are numerous.
To the East of the 'Belly' of Aitrun lies the famous 'Tail' of Aitrun. It is an extremely long peninsula, inhabited by humans and Catfolk alike and it is very similar to The Continent in terms of climate. Unfortunately for them, Dark Elves usually take their slaves from here.   To the scholars of The Continent, Aitrun is mostly unknown with the exception of its head, which is well documented thanks to trade and wars between the nations of The Continent and the followers of the Souljar.   Similarly to the other landmasses, Aitrun is home to various magical locations, but they are surprisingly rare compared to the others. A few examples are the Mines of Tall Haftun, The Dry River and the Frozen Geyser of Khahat.  


As the largest of the landmasses, Aitrun is naturally surrounded by various seas and oceans that are used for trade and warfare.  

The Shallow Sea

The Shallow Sea lies between Aitrun and the Continent and it has a load of small islands in it. It is busy with merchants travelling between The Continent and Sojazira.  

The Laughing Sea

The Eastern part of the continent is bordered by The Laughing Sea, a giant expanse of water with unforgiving weather and the dangerous landmass of Mortoram across it making it quite empty.  

Dhaeros Waters

  The sea to the South of the Darklands is filled with various islands, fearsome sea creatures and most notably, dark elf slavers. They travel to the Tail of Aitrun and take its inhabitants as slaves.
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