Hydra Character in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Hydra is a 9-headed creature that lives in the Shallow Shores of Shirii'roi, which is a dense swampland uncharacteristic to the rest of The Darklands.   This beast mostly resembles a large snake with six small legs along its body and of course nine heads. Its scales are dark and blend in with the various plants of the swamp, allowing the creature to hide from even the most experienced tracker. The Hydra is extremely venomous, and a single bite can kill even the toughest of animals unless magically cured. Even its blood is poisonous and fighting the waters that dilute its blood can weaken and kill anyone who spends enough time in them, which is easy to do as the Hydra rarely fights outside of the swamps. The Hydra is effectively immortal, the scales on its body are extremely tough to pierce and even the most gruesome injuries heal within seconds. The weakest parts of the beast are its necks, which can be cut clean through with a sharp enough blade, but anyone foolish enough to do so will find themselves fighting against an additional head, for every head the creature looses, two more grows in its place. Based on observation, over time the creature eventually reverts back to having only 9 heads, but the exact process is unknown, although the large amount of giant snakes around its lair suggest that any additional heads fall off and turn into them.  

Hydra in Drow Belief

The Hydra is an honored beast in the eyes of the drow as it sits at the edge of human territory and managed to stop multiple raiding attempts by them. It is believed that Volublectyth created the creature and Solcritoel created the swamp to aid the elves during the first Holy War. The creature stopped an entire human army during their invasion as they were unable to defeat the beast and chose to retreat and go around the swamp instead.  

Hydra in Order Belief

According to the priests of The Church of Order, the Hydra was created by Sinistos as his avatar to fight the forces of the Order at the side of the elves. The creature inherits the evil god's many features, such as his corruption, which turned the beautiful shoreline into a deadly swamp. Its many heads represent the endless scheming of the Ambitious Child.  

Hydra in Scovonian Belief

Whilst the Scovonians don't have any religious ties to the Hydra, many adventurers and sailors met the beast in battle as their culture promotes daring warriors. Some of them think that the Hydra is the perfect opponent for a Scovonian mercenary group as their show of prowess as the creature is deadly and dangerous enough that killing it is not necessary, but taking at least one of its heads is a respectable feat.    
I am a Scovonian adventurer, born and bred for battle. I've fought many creatures and monsters, but nothing could prepare me for the Hydra. My adventuring party and I traveled deep into the Shallow Shores of Shirii'roi, the dense swampland which the beast called home. We were a group of ten, all skilled fighters and hunters, but we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. As we trekked through the murky waters, we saw it in the distance, the nine-headed monster known as the Hydra. We were all filled with fear and excitement, knowing that this was the ultimate test of our skill and bravery. The Hydra was massive, with scales as dark as the swamp itself, and nine heads that could strike in an instant.     We approached it cautiously, but the Hydra was quick to attack. Its heads darted out at us with incredible speed, and we had to dodge and weave to avoid their deadly venom. We fought hard, but the Hydra's scales were nearly impenetrable, and it seemed like we were getting nowhere.     But then, I saw my opening. One of the heads lowered down towards me, and I struck it with all my might. My blade sliced through the neck cleanly, and the head fell to the ground. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.     However, the Hydra was not done with us yet. For every head we cut off, two more grew in its place, and soon we were surrounded by the beast's heads. We fought on, but we were losing men left and right. Soon, it was just me and one other adventurer left standing.     We were both injured, but we refused to back down. Together, we took on the Hydra, dodging its strikes and striking back with all our might. Finally, after what felt like hours of battle, we managed to take down another head. And then another. And another.     When it was all said and done, we were both covered in wounds and the swamp was stained with the blood of our fallen comrades. But we had done it. We had bested the Hydra and taken four of its heads as trophies.   As we limped back to civilization, I couldn't help but think about the cost of our victory. We had lost so many good men in that battle, and for what? Trophies? But I knew that as Scovonians, we lived for the thrill of battle and the glory of victory. And in that moment, we had both.
- Graeme Hydra-Slayer
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