Krovian Ethnicity in Trutina | World Anvil
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Living in the South-Eastern part of the Blakfort Kingdom are the Krovians. Their kingdom has been bitter rivals with the Blakfort Kingdom for centuries, until the former was completely captured by the latter. This conflict left a mark in Krovian memory and all patriotic Krovians despise their new overlords. They are capable horse riders and are especially adept at using bows, often from horseback.

Bitter Rivals.

The Krovian hatred towards Lacrians shaped their society in quite a few, unexpected ways. Many Krovian holidays and celebrations are mockeries of Lacrian ones, such as cursing the black clouds in early summer. The most noticable effect of their rivalry though is their colorful appearance in battle, as well as in regular clothing, which contrasts heavily with the Blakfort Kingdom's uniform yellow and black color palette on the battlefield. Even when part of the Blakfort Royal Army, Krovian patrons can be easily distinguished by some sort of colorful piece of clothing on them.  

Coward’s Weapon.

Krovian people learn to shoot with bow and arrow from a young age, and usually become quite proficient with it. This custom was probably an effect of their rivalry with the Blakfort Kingdom's, who don’t use shields in any meaningful capacity. Since their annexation, their former enemies use this to their advantage and deploy Krovian archers to defensive positions.  

Cultural Warriors


Those that hone their marksmanship beyond their initial training usually become Sharpshooters. These men and women are masters of ambush and are usually bandits or scouts for the Blakfort Royal Army.
Men of the Woods. Some legends state that the Krovian Sharpshooters are taught by wood Elves within the Floating Forest and that’s why their aim is impeccable, but no evidence support this claim. It is undoubtedly true however, that they far exceed the average human in their accuracy.  


Centaurs are often capable warriors by their nature alone. An Equiton is a centaur who basically performs the duties of light cavalry. They wear very little armor and use a pike to chase down fleeing enemies or ranged units.
Adapting. While their weapon of choice is usually the spear to provide additional reach, many of them use bows as well, serving as ranged cavalry instead.  


A Stallion is basically a more experienced and/or trained Equiton. They often wear armor that protects their ’human half’. Besides that, they usually use the same range of weapons as their Equiton kin.
Chiefs. Stallions aren’t that common amongst humans as they are most often the leaders of centaur tribes and as such keep away from human affairs.  


There are only a few examples of centaurs fully integrating into society and even fewer examples of them becoming knights. The result of this rare occurrence is a frightening sight on the battlefield. Outfitted with plate armor and heavy weapon, they combine the lethality of a knight with the agility of a foot soldier.
High Status. Centaur cavalions are often extremely wealthy. This is often the result of some nefarious dealing with humans that exploit centaurs that were once their tribe. This does not bother the humans however and see Cavalions as more civilized than their ’barbaric’ relatives.

The day of the New Horse

On the day of the last full moon of May, Krovian serfs celebrate the birth of a new generation of horses. As horses are an important part of their culture, the people of Krovia value this day and hold feasts.

The Black Cloud Mockery

As the people of Krovia have a deep resentment towards the people of Lacager, they created a mockery of their most ancient traditions. During the first few weeks of summer, rainstorms strike Lacager and these clouds often continue on their way over Krovia. In direct opposition to their neighbors, the people of Krovia stand out in the open when it starts to rain and loudly mock and insult the gods that supposedly live upon the clouds.
Encompassed species


While technically not Krovians, the Centaurs living on The Great Plains share a lot of history and culture with the humans living in the same area. They are mostly nomadic herders, but some of them integrated quite nicely into human society.


  • Vengeful
  • Honest
  • Diligent


  • Aggressive
  • Deceitful
  • Ambitious


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