The Great Plains Geographic Location in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Great Plains

The Great Plains, or as it was formerly known, Lower Krovia is a duchy that the Blakfort Kingdom fought countless war over.    Like the other duchies in the kingdom, the Great Plains has a duke that comes from the Blakfort Dynasty, but many of its officials and nobles come from the native Krovian population.   The duchy, as its name suggests is one large expanse of flat terrain, filled with grasslands and steppes, only interrupted by the occasional hill or river. The only exception is the Kirk's Edge Mountains, which marks its Western border.   The duchy is an important source of horses and other livestock as well as serving as the breadbasket of the kingdom.   The area is famous for its indigenous centaur population, who have been a part of Krovian culture for centuries and only recently began adopting some of the Lacrian values and traditions.
Alternative Name(s)
Lower Krovia
Location under
Owning Organization
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