Volitare Geographic Location in Trutina | World Anvil
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Volitare offers very little in terms of resources in comparison to the other duchies in the Blakfort Kingdom, but it is a strategically important area. Located in the center of the realm and being home to two important mountain passes, this duchy has seen more conflict than any other in the kingdom.   Volitare is defined by two geographical features. The Floating Forest fills its Southern half, while mountain ranges cover the rest. The Floating Forest is also hiding some lakes that make it difficult to cross. The entire region provides excellent opportunities for ambushes and chokepoints, making it a defensible area even without fortifications.   The duchy's primary export is wood, which comes from the Floating Forest, but silver mining is also present on the Northeastern part of the region.   The area is famous for The Floating Forest, a magical forest where objects and creatures not touching the ground are not affected by gravity. This caused the majority if the forest to be devoid of ground based animal life, which in turn allowed the birds of the forest to thrive.
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