People of the Blakfort Kingdom in Trutina | World Anvil
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People of the Blakfort Kingdom


The most numerous race in the Blakfort Kingdom is humanity. They make up the vast majority of the population and fill every aspect of society. Humans of the Blakfort Kingdom are divided among different majorcultural groups as a result of the territorial expansion of the kingdom in the past centuries. While these cultural groups mostly affect humans, other races can be a part of them.
  • Lacrian - The people of Lacager, they are the 'original' people of the Blakfort Kingdom and they are the primary inhabitants of Lacager and Avadell.
  • Thurukyan - The proud and introverted people of the North East. They inhabit Thurukya and retain their culture despite multiple attempts by the Lacrians to integrate them.
  • Krovian - The ancient rivals of the Lacrian people. They live on the Great Plains and in the cities of Volitare. Because their people fought the Lacrians for centuries, they pride themselves on the differences between themselves and the Lacrians.
  • Bracian - An ancestral friendship connects the people of Bracia to the Lacrian people. They inhabit Bracia and Upper Krovia. A decent number of Bracian nobles settled in the once-Krovian part of the kingdom, making them more influential in the area than its original inhabitants.
  • Kerevan - The closest relatives and Eastern neighbours of the Krovian people, the Kerevan people have a surprisingly friendly relationship with other cultures of the kingdom. They aren't that common in the kingdom as their lands are fertile and rich in minerals, so they aren't forced to migrate to better lands. Those that did settle in the Blakfort kingdom mostly live in Confinia.
  • Codian - Those that live in Codager are regarded as hard-working and well disciplined people. They inhabit Merilacus and the surrounding villages.


While they are rarely considered to be civilized, the centaurs of the Great Plains form the second largest group in the kingdom. They are mostly united in terms of culture and despise the people of Lacager as their rivalry with the Krovians decimated the centaur population, who were caught in the middle of their armed conflicts. Most centaurs prefer a peaceful life, herding horses and sheep on the Great Plains, but many of them choose a more interesting life in the form of mercenaries and adventurers. Because of their shared history, most centaurs regard themselves Krovians.


Dwarfs are often found around the mountains of the kingdom. They are hardy, hard-working folks who revere their ancestors with pride. Even though they were subjugated before the first king of Blakfort was crowned, they always enjoyed a degree of liberty compared to other races within the kingdom. They are most often craftsmen and artisans, but it is not uncommon to see dwarven fighters in the royal army.


Elves, the people of the West are quite rare to see within the kingdom, mostly due to the distrust towards them. The humans in the kingdom envy their long life, their beauty and their agile form. This didn't stop those elves that sought to make a name for themselves, however. Quite a few of them travel the kingdom as artists, scholars and mercenaries, mostly in service of nobles.


Kenku, or the 'Bird People' as they are often referred to are an especially rare sight to see within the kingdom. Most of them came from the neighboring and ancient rival of the Blakfort Kingdom, Krovia which is now a non-existent kingdom. Their extraordinary ability to mimic sounds and copying things make them excellent craftsmen as well as bards and actors. Unfortunately, they are often looked down upon as the stereotype that they are thieves is widespread throughout the realm. Despite these hardships, few have managed to climb higher on the social ladder.

Holidays and Celebrations

  • Coronation: Similarly to other kingdoms, the rulers of Blakfort hold a coronation ceremony, where the Primas crowns the new king/queen in the name of the Great Mechanism. During the celebrations, the vassals of the newly crowned ruler swear fealty to their king/queen. This event usually lasts for a few weeks, but the common folk don't get to experience it for that long. Most people only see the coronation itself, which is followed by a grand march from the temple to the keep. In the last few decades, even the coronation took place behind closed doors however, with messengers spreading the news throughout the kingdom.
  • Scythe day: On the 20th of September, the autumn harvest begins and the peasants hold a big feast before they toil away.
  • Bread Day: Marking the end of the autumn harvest, people gather and feast to celebrate the event on the last day of November.

Articles under People of the Blakfort Kingdom


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