Thurukyan Ethnicity in Trutina | World Anvil
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On the North-Eastern part of the Blakfort Kingdom lies the duchy of Thurukya. Its people have been under the rule of the Lacrian people for centuries, but managed to keep their culture mostly intact. They are diligent farmers and cow-herders who often go to great lengths to protect their herd.

Almost Chaotic.

Thurukyan people have been following the Kaolite faith  for thousands of years before the Lacrian people introduced the The Church of Order to them. The Kaolite belief is still strong among the Thurukyans, although it is coated in an Order lining to avoid conflict with them. Thurukyan people still revere Kaos in private and every attempt to root their faith out was met with fierce resistance. This, along with their strong sense of culture is a source of distrust and conflict between the groups.

Maces for Hire.

Thurukyans often abandon their cow-herding life to serve as mercenaries and adventurers across the kingdom as well as abroad. These mercenaries often find themselves fighting against better trained soldiers so they usually resort to using maces and clubs against their opponents. This practice led to the belief that they are brutish warriors that throw themselves into a rage when fighting. Merchants of Norlawich regularly hire local mercenaries to escort them as their presence is often enough to drive most bandits away.

Masters of Leather.

Thurukyan culture revolves around cows and as such, their skills with leather are unparalleled even amongst long-living folks, such as elves and dwarves. Their leather clothing and armor is without equal as far as regular leather goes. Despite this, most leather armor in the region is reserved to the Thurukyan elite fighters, the Norlawich Bulls who serve as the bodyguards of the Thurukyan Duke.  

Cultural Warriors


While most Thurukyans usually decide to become warriors for money, Herders usually take this path out of necessity or for revenge. Thurukyan honor dictates that every wrong-doing must be avenged in some capacity and the Herders take this to the extreme.
On the Trail. Most often, Herders are regular peasants or actual herders who have been wronged in some way and choose the path of revenge. They take whatever they can and set out to hunt those who wronged them. In some cases, these Herders have killed Patrons and even sheriffs, who punished someone dear to them.

Facial Fashion

Thurukyan society developed a unique fascination with personal hygene and facial hair. Men of their culture are expected to shave their head with the exception of a small strip of hair in the middle of their head, which is left to grow as long as possible. This practice saves them from a lot of problems with parasites and gives them a distinct appearance on the Continent. In addition, the ability to grow a mustache is important in their eyes and the lack of one is viewed as a sign of laziness or ill will. Similarly, having a big, well-kept mustache is viewed as a sign of trustworthiness and diligence.
Encompassed species


  • Vengeful
  • Diligent
  • Stubborn


  • Forgiving
  • Lazy
  • Arbitrary


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