Probare Rank/Title in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Probare is the spiritual and de facto leader of the The Church of Order and all of its faithful followers. Each Probare (except for the first two) are appointed by the Prime Council. When the Probare dies, the Primas of each country travels to Equilum to hold a vote and determine the next Probare. With only a few exceptions, the next Probare is most often one of them.   Before Cadogan, the vote took place after the death of the Probare and could lead to a prolonged process which could last for months. One day, Aeron Cadogan, the renowned elf diviner began to see visions about the death of the Probare and could accurately foretell when the current Probare would die. When his abilities were confirmed, the The Church of Order hired him to serve this specific purpose until his death. When Cadogan foresees that the current Probare would die in exactly 1 year, he notifies them so the vote can begin early. This way, on the day of the Probare's death, a new one can be inaugurated.   The Probare has a few important duties. He is the primary source of knowledge on the gods of Order and their will. He gains this knowledge by communing with them and by reading the original collection of Tenets, which is stored in the Grand Cathedral of Equilum. In the past centuries, the Probare began to take a more active role in the politics of The Continent and organized holy wars. Additionally, only he has the right to create new titles of king or higher on The Continent. By law, the Probare is the archpriest of every Order holy place and is subservient to the Primas of the local kingdom, but as the spiritual head of the The Church of Order, his word on religious matters is taken as indisputable fact. In every other matter, he is technically under the local Primas.
Religious, Clerical
The title was created when the prophet Probare died.
Source of Authority
The prophet of the Order Gods was the first Probare and he carries their word
Length of Term
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The Prophet Probare

The source of the Tenets, the holy list of instructions that the followers of The Church of Order live by comes from the original Probare. He was a Machinist, created by the Order Gods to guide humanity on a path of righteousness. On the first day of snow, he fell from the sky and the Founding Apostles found him and took him in. There, he dictated all of the Tenets as they were written by the gods themselves.   Not much is known about the Probare as the Founding Apostles kept him safe from the Kaos worshipping people of the area and thus, only they saw the prophet. Based on their accounts, the Probare looked similar to them, albeit better in every way. He was taller, smarter, faster, required no sleep nor food and wasn't corrupted by Kaos.


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