The Third Tenet Organization in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Third Tenet

The Third Tenet is an international religious order of knights, religious zealots and professional soldiers, who hunt and destroy the creations and followers of Kaos. Unlike the Pilgrimite Legion, its members are not directly serving any one ruler and they operate similarly to mercenaries. When a ruler faces a threat that the Third Tenet specializes in, they can call upon their service for free, given a good enough reason. The order was founded by a group of Atacodias and Westatoran knights in the 9th century, making it one of the oldest of such organizations. Their income comes from two sources. Primarily, any plunder they get while fighting they get to keep in addition to individual mercenary work its members might do while the order as a whole is not completing a contract. Secondly, the order leases castles and sometimes even cities from sovereign rulers and they can tax the local populace.  

Organization and Ranks

The Third Tenet is not focused on large field battles or sieges, and their organization reflects that. At its top sits the Generalis Superior. He is elected for life and oversees the contracts that the order takes on.   While the Generalis Superior serves as the supreme leader of the order, they rarely issue direct commands to the lower ranks.   Below the Generalis Superior is the Generalis, who oversees a property that the order has under their control. They collect taxes and accept new recruits into their fold.   At the lowest rank are the Enforcer. They are the rank and file of the order and the ones who actually venture out to fight the forces of Kaos.  


While they are not frequent in large scale battles, Enforcers of the Third Tenet can take part in them. If that happens, they fight as any other soldier, commanded by the leader of the army they joined.   When on their own, Enforcer usually form small groups of 3 or 4 and travel the countryside in search of suspicious activity that would warrant their intervention. When facing an opponent, they first try to incapacitate and capture any foe as they can provide valuable knowledge in the future. If that fails, they usually just vanquish their foe however they can.  

During Peace

When the order is not in a contract, its members spread out around its properties and look for mercenary work. However, they don't accept just any job. They look for people in need of protection from Kaos worshippers and vile creatures. They regularly have to return to their castle to report their deeds and to be available if a new contract comes into play.
The Third Tenet: You shall reject Kaos and his evil teachings.
Religious, Holy Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Ranks & Titles
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