Pilgrimite Legion Organization in Trutina | World Anvil
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Pilgrimite Legion

Arguably one of the most efficient of the Holy Orders on the Continent, the Pilgrimite Legion is a force to be reckoned with if you plot against the church of Order. The Lacrian Legion of the Pilgrims of Yi'riila in the Dark Land was founded after the First Holy War in the name of the Order, which saw the conquest of Yi’riila, a dark elven holy city. Its members are highly trained and are selected from dozens of applicants each year, only a handful of whom become the next generation in this fighting force. They hunt and destroy Chaos worshippers in the Blakfort Kingdom and serve as the private army of the king when he wages war against the unfaithful.  


The Pilgrimite Legion predates the Blakfort Royal Army and has a more archaic structure. It operates under the rule of a Grand Master, an elected leader for life. The Grand Master is commonly known as the Ram Knight, as the two titles are always owned by the same individual.   While the Grand Master has almost absolute power over the legion and he only answers to the Blakfort King, the administrative duties mostly fall into the hands of an elder council of sorts, comprised of the oldest members of the order. They advise the Ram Knight and act in his stead.   The legion is divided into smaller segments, each led by a Master, who oversees it. Every Master is responsible for 500 Legionnaires. Unlike the Blakfort Royal Army, the legion does not employ civilians as suppliers, choosing to do everything themselves instead.   Each 500 is a battlefield unit and fight together in war, but generally the entire legion marches together. This unit has no official name, but over the centuries of its existence, many slang phrases emerged for it, such as the "Master's dozen" (which is obviously very inaccurate) or the "Bill" (in reference to their weapon of choice). Its members all know their Master and the Master knows all of the Tent leaders.   Each 500 is further divided into Tents, similarly to the Blakfort Royal Army, although it is unclear which used the term first. Each Tent has 11 Legionnaires, 10 of which are regulars, while their leader is the senior. Each 500 also contains 4 elders, who serve as the personal guard and advisors of the Master. An exception of this rule is the Grand Master, who hand picks 10 Legionnaires as his elders.  


The lowest ranking member of the legion is a Legionnaire. There are various sub-ranks amongst them, referring to their age and skills, but these are sometimes unrelated. The 'worst' Legionnaire is called a regular. They are the most numerous and serve as the frontline troops. When a Legionnaire gains enough experience or just shows exceptional skills in combat, they are promoted to a senior.
Seniors command Tents and have a closer relationship with their Master, who promoted them. When a senior reaches a certain age or becomes close enough with their Master, they are promoted to an elder.
Elders are usually the most capable members of the legion and serve as bodyguards for the Master and the Ram Knight.

Masters are selected based on administrative skills rather than martial prowess, but they all had to be a regular at some point. They handle tasks similar to those of a Capitan, but usually lead their troops from the front. The Elder Council is also made up of Masters.

At the top of the legion hierarchy sits the Grand Master, their elected leader and most respected member.  

Battle Tactics

The smallest battlefield unit of the Pilgrimite Legion is the 500. In battle, they form hollow square formations with their billhooks pointed in all directions. This serves two purposes. It provides a wall of polearms in all directions, which makes the formation practically unflankable, while also providing minimal opportunity for spells to affect the entire unit. The square can also be opened up it there is no chance of flanking. In this open battle formation, the four 'sides' of the square are arranged in a staggered line, allowing them additional tactical opportunities while minimizing the threat of long, narrow spells, such as lightning bolts.   Each 500 is led by its respective Master from the front, with their elders often forming the center of the formation. Every Tent is also led by their senior, who is also positioned at the forefront of their group.  


As a comparatively small, melee infantry, the Pilgrimite Legion often accompanies other military forces such as the Blakfort Royal Army. In these instances, the often forego the square formation and form a strong center bulkhead.    

During Peace

When there is no need for the Pilgrimite Legion to go to war, they mostly remain in the Pilgrim Fortress, where they train, perform drills and try to improve upon their tactics and equipment. Sometimes however, a more proactive Ram Knight is elected, like the current one. When the legion has such a leader, it is not uncommon to see Tents of Legionnaire travelling the country in search of chaos cultist, monsters or demons to hunt.
Military Order
Alternative Names
Lacrian Legion of the Pilgrims of Yi'riila in the Dark Land
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
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