Paladell Geographic Location in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Orderly Kingdom of Paladell is a relatively big kingdom on the North-Eastern side of The Continent. The Kingdom was established more than a hundred years ago as a result of the Fourth Holy War in the Name of the Order. Due to inheritance problems between Paladell and the Blakfort Kingdom, it has been stagnant since its creation.


Paladell is ruled over by the Orderly King of Paladell.

In theory, the king has absolute control over the kingdom, but due to many losses at the hands of the Blakfort Kingdom, the power and capability of its king can be called into question.

Culture and Religion

As its name suggests, Paladell is an Orderly Kingdom, so The Church of Order  is the only officially recognized religion. The local population begs to differ however as many still practice their original, Kaolite Faith
  The vast majority of Paladell's population is made up of Humans with a small minority of Goliaths and Dwarves.

  The most significant ethnicity is the Palrian, who live on the Western side of the kingdom, but various other cultures make up the population, such as the Thurukyan and on its Northern shoreline, the Scovonian.


Paladell's population is not centered around fighting, but rather agriculture. Because of this, not many Palrians are willing to fight as a profession, so the kingdom has a relatively weak standing army. In case of war, the nobles of the kingdom raise their levies, but this force is usually insufficient when facing trained soldiers.   Their only remedy for this is their nobility. Often of foreign descent, Palrian nobles learn horse riding and fighting from a young age and form a formidable cavalry on the battlefield.   Whilst their average infantry is only outfitted with the most basic equipment, their knights are exceptionally well-equipped compared to other countries. Many of them have magically enchanted weapons and armor that is passed down through generations. Most of these items are from the various Scovonian adventurers who settled here after a life of adventure.

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