Tebrilli Zadane Character in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Tebrilli Zadane

Padawan Tebrilli Zadane (a.k.a. Twelfth Brother)

One of the Inquisitorius serving under Darth Vader.   Before becoming an Inquisitor, Tebrilli was the Padawan of Master Endin Keth during the Clone Wars. Towards the tail end of the war, while Master Keth was overseeing the siege of Triton, they were joined by Master Moltec Una and her Padawan, Zuush Alief. Tebrilli and Zuush reconnected and resumed the hijinks they had gotten up to as younglings in the Jedi Temple, all while their bond deepened and slipped towards romance. During Order 66, Master Keth sacrificed herself so that Tebrilli could escape with Zuush. Several adventures later, after crossing paths with Pars Ventra, Janos Bishto, the Eleventh Sister, and Tiigada the Hutt, among others, Tebrilli and Zuush found themselves on Corellia severely in debt to Crimson Dawn. When debt renegotiation went south, Tebrilli started a gang war, attracted the attention of both CorSec and the Imperial Security Bureau, and eventually turned himself in to Agent Jan Orsar to keep Zuush’s survival a secret from the Galactic Empire, giving his lightsaber to Zuush for safekeeping.   Orsar turned him over to the Eleventh Sister and the Inquisitorius. Now that he’s been broken and turned to the Dark Side, he’s almost ready for his first mission: find his old partner and either turn them or kill them. (Is Tebrilli actually willing to kill Zuush? No. Is he willing to kill Zuush’s friends and allies? Yep. Would he try to convince Zuush to join forces with him to usurp power within the Inquisitorius? Definitely.) As a Padawan, Tebrilli has a talent for using the Force to manipulate the minds of others, both to read their thoughts and to influence their behavior. The Jedi discouraged such things except in extreme cases. The Inquisitors have no moral concerns about using this power, so Twelfth Brother is a promising new member of their organization.

Mental characteristics


Pansexual, attracted to other near-humans.


Tebrilli Zadane


Towards Moltec Una


Moltec Una


Towards Tebrilli Zadane


Tebrilli Zadane

Best Friend

Towards Zuush Alief


Zuush Alief

Best Friend

Towards Tebrilli Zadane


Year of Birth
14 BFE 19 Years old
Aligned Organization


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